We Came

We sewed.

We met a new friend "Frenchy" however she did not want to craft and is a little rigid in her approach to life.

We ate (No photos)
and we achieved something
Leanne's 'baby' quilt top
Leanne's Quilted table topper (Yes that is a workshop project from 2 years ago.) It would have been bound, but the red fabric did not come to craft with Leanne
Gayle's "million triangles" for Rachel's Quilt
Liz made 3/4 of a carry bag for her new bike (yes once again the last element was left at home) and started the layout for a cushion to match "Fletcher's" Quilt made a few weeks ago.
Completed lining Laundry Bags for Aussie Hero Quilts and Laundry Bags and bound a quilt for them also
And Debra started on the piecing for her latest quilt.
We laughed, we crafted, we laughed some more and we enjoyed time together.
However, we did forget our pyjamas - oops.
Maybe next time.
Sounds like a fabulous day enjoy by all and some great achievements along the way fantastic job girls!