Wednesday, 30 January 2013

A quilt layout was decided.... and does anyone have a HAMMER???

As we posted a couple of days ago HERE  Debra was trying to choose a layout for her layer cake quilt.  We had 3 choices "diagonals, chevrons or circles" however as Debra didn't love any of them she moved all the pieces around again and here is the sewn result.

Giant Diamond with a 'ripple effect"
(Yes I know there is a block in upside down, I will unpick that on another day)
 Leanne was making cushions for her daughter to use at her job in the Daycare Centre and required a hammer.  We asked the room "does anyone have a hammer with them?"  Can you believe that no one did??? shock of all horrors, what do you use when you cant find a hammer?????

Bricks of course
And a group shot with a  few more of us in it.  L-R: Olivia, Lynn, Liz (front), Debra, Gayle (Front) Tracey & Leanne.
See everyone next week.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Australia Day Pyjama Sew-in

We Came

We sewed.
We met a new friend "Frenchy" however she did not want to craft and is a little rigid in her approach to life.
We ate (No photos)
 and we achieved something 

Leanne's 'baby' quilt top
 Leanne's Quilted table topper (Yes that is a workshop project from 2 years ago.) It would have been bound, but the red fabric did not come to craft with Leanne
Gayle's "million triangles" for Rachel's Quilt

Liz made 3/4 of a carry bag for her new bike (yes once again the last element was left at home) and started the layout for a cushion to match "Fletcher's" Quilt made a few weeks ago.
Completed lining Laundry Bags for Aussie Hero Quilts and Laundry Bags and bound a quilt for them also

And Debra started on the piecing for her latest quilt.

We laughed, we crafted, we laughed some more and we enjoyed time together.

However, we did forget our pyjamas - oops.

Maybe next time.

Friday, 25 January 2013

The plan for Debra's blocks

As Olivia mentioned a couple of posts ago, I was working on a layout for this quilt.
Below are the 3 options. Which do you like?


Thursday, 24 January 2013

The binding tool and its many other uses!!

Okay for those of you who purchased the binding tool
The Binding Tool
The binding tool.
or even have access to one (I think there is one in the patchwork room) have you used it yet or has the fear of the unknown gotten to you?  Well never fear because the YouTube fairy is here with a binding tool tutorial for you so just click HERE and your fears will disappear.
But wait there is more!!  Do you love scrap busting projects, using tools that are already in your collection?  Did I hear you say YES, YES, YES!  Well then follow the yellow brick road to the words "HERE" for some interesting tutorials using that multi tasking binding tool of yours .  These tutorials are by Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Company, so click HERE and HERE and ENJOY!!
 Until next time...

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

National Polka Dot Day.....Did you go Dotty?? while some came dressed up in spots, Miss K, others brought spots in other forms such as fabric, bags, hair accessories and even in paper craft.  We had a few more roll in on Tuesday for craft night so the room was full of chatter as we had some new people come in back from their holidays all refreshed and ready to go. 

Here we have Ms Leanne modelling (behind the quilt) her completed quilt top “Cart Wheels” a workshop done with Jan Phillips in Roma.  Well done Leanne two thumbs up to you J it looks fantastic.

Next Ms Cecily displaying her hand appliqué quilt top (also hiding behind her quilt project) that she has started and has decided to make it her Tuesday Night craft project, don't you love the beautiful autumn colours.  Cecily also explained that this is just the centre piece it will gradually have more borders and applique pieces added on to evently be a queen size quilt, WOW! can’t wait to see the completed project.

Miss Liz, sorry the NEWLY married Ms Liz, (congratulations!!) displaying her beautiful but simple (elegant) 5” charm square quilt all done in girly colours aren’t they absolutely gorgeous.  Ms Liz has a determine look on her face of “I will get this project completed”, you go Liz.

Now Ms Lyn was sitting quietly but studiously up the back working hard on making some mini gift cards for her card stash and hopefully some the local florist shop she works in.  Just have a look at these gorgeous little cards and they even have spots on the too!  Well done Lyn they are fantastic J

I’m sorry I did not get a photo of Miss R (maybe next time) sitting consciously behind the sewing machine starting on her project which is a quilt for her bed in the beautiful colours of purple, green and white (I hope I got the colour scheme right).  I am looking forward to seeing the progress of this quilt top as it comes together over the next few weeks.

Until next time...

Monday, 21 January 2013

....come along because you are a bit dotty!!

Hi Ladies!!
It has come to my attention (Thank-you Debra) that tomorrow is National Polka Dot Day (Tuesday 22nd of Jan). Now we can not let this great day pass without a "Dotty Craft Gathering"!!
Please come to craft ..... wearing some polka dots........or make something spotty......or just come along because you are a bit dotty!! (I am sure you don't want to be the last option!!)
 I am so sure we'll have a fun time.
Blog Post from one Polka Dot Fan!

Friday, 18 January 2013

Tuesday Night + Weekend Crafting..........Whoo Hoo!!

Well here we again, craft night.  Tuesday night was a quiet night with only 2 ladies but still plenty to chat about.  I got a quick lesson in blogging so I can try and blog the happenings of UFO craft nights and anything else that may be happening in the crafting world.  After the quick lesson it was getting a bit late to get the machine out and continue my planned Tuesday night project but I was very busy on the weekend doing odd patchwork projects.  I was quiet pleased with myself by the end of the weekend managing to get some projects done that I had been putting off because new and exciting projects were calling my name (darn that internet surfing).  I started with sewing on the binding of two quilts, putting the final boarders on a quilt ready to be quilted, put the last of few blocks together ready to assemble that quilt in a pleasing display and last but not least trying out some decorative stitches (from my new sewing machine J) on a rag quilt that I am assembling for my daughter (who is suppose to be doing this project but lost interest :\ ), so all in all one very pleased quilter J.  The sewing room is starting to look a little bare I just may have to fill it up some fabric, no, no, no, I can’t do that remember UFO busting year (maybe one or two pieces can’t hurt he, he, he).

The Rag Quilt Project

The decorative stitch - it looks a bit like birds feet.

As for Ms D she had quite a product night arranging her “Little Apples” quilt into many different variations, check out the photo below of one of her many quilt styles and leave a comment of what you think.  I kind of like the chevron look I wish I had taken more photos of other variations for comparison, can’t wait for the finished quilt top to see what style she finally did decide on.

Ms D's "Little Apples" chevron look.

 Before I close off I came across a UFO busting article by Pat Sloan that you may be interested in reading, just go HERE .  Each month Pat is going to give some tips and tricks to busting those UFO's.  Check it out it proves to be some interesting reading and a bit of laugh, along with how true when it comes to tallying and working out what order of inportance we place our UFO’s.

Until next time...


Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Hellooooo 2013!!

As we wave goodbye to 2012 and say hello 2013 already we are half way through January (where does the time go already?)  With the start on of new year I'm sure some of us (or not) have made the dreaded "new year's resolution".  For those who made one (or some) I wish you all the best in achieving your goal, I think one of my was to make 2013 a UFO busting year along with just enjoying life one day at a time.

As the start of the year rolled around and business houses slowly come alive, Ms D puts a call out to any UFO (or PhD’s) crafters still about and interested in a Tuesday night crafting (this was Tuesday 8th January).  She was inundated with emails of “Yes I’m still here!! What time?” Seven of us keen crafters made the trip to the crafting room.  As we all arrived chatting about our Christmas and New Year and some us of our plans for 2013 (I'm sure UFO busting was in there somewhere), we quickly got into the crafting mood.  There was array of different craft actives happening throughout the room with some of us deciding to start a Tuesday night only project, while others were quilting or finishing off a project they started last year (see I told you that UFO busting was there somewhere, for some of us anyway :) , others were doing a bit of scrapbooking and then were some who just came for a chat and a socialize .  The room was full of buzz and excitement of just being among crafty, inspiring people and doing what we enjoy most.......... CHAT, CRAFT and LAUGH J


Until next time...



Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Channelling inspiration

Liz had a very busy November & December planning for her wedding and Secret Santa Swaps.
Liz gave herself the task of making handmade gifts.
There was one Tuesday night where Liz was a "little bit tired" and really struggling for inspiration.  She resorted to "reading her fabric"
(Sorry about the blurry shot, I was laughing so hard when I took the photo on my phone.)   

The busy and talented Liz also made a quilt for her new nephew.  
how proud of Liz are we.  Look at this photo of Proud Aunty Liz and her little adorable Nephew
and a close up of some of the stitching.
It is a little hard to read but all around the outside border are the words for "5 little ducks" and right here at the end are the 5 little ducks when they came back.  Cute hey?
 Baby Fletcher seems to think so 
Then our creative Liz, (because she had nothing else to do) decided to make her own veil.  This is not the best photo, but the only one I have of Liz' 'veil bling'.
Well done Liz.  We are glad you came to join us and we are glad you are getting your 'creative mojo' going.