Well March has seen members finshing quilts left right & centre.
Debra quilted this Care quilt made by Bev Dingwall for the club "Care Quilt" collection. It is called "Toy Box" as all the fabrics are various child friendly prints.

A second care quilt came off Debra's quilting frame. "Send in the clowns" is one I have loved making & I am sure it will bring a smile to a child's face.
It always brings a smile to mine.
This next finish is from our new friend TASHA.
Tash purchased this layer cake at craft one week, pinned the quilt out the next week & returned with it finished in week 3.
Well done Tasha. We are all very proud of you & know you are rightfully proud of your own efforts too. I can't wait to see what else you get up to in the coming months & years.
(Tasha on right, Rachel 'holding assistant' on left).
Next up is a finish from Becc with the assistance of Debra.
Now this quilt named "Friendship Jelly" was pieced by Becc in 2012 while pregnant with Rosie. It just got put away until Becc could deal with it at some time. Factor in there 2 young children & leaving town & it was left temporarily forgotten.
Sometime in 2013 Becc mentioned that she hadn't finished it. Debra brought it back to Roma to finish & then moved house herself & it lay forgotten again.
Fast forward to March 2014 when Debra organises her sewing room & what does she find???
So it was quickly quilted and bound on the condition it stays in Roma until after the quilt show.
Of course Becc said that is fine. At least she knows her quilt is now finished & will be home to her shortly-ish. :)
Now these next 2 photos are not a creation by any of us UFO ers - but more a quilt that made us all stop in our tracks.
This is Bev Dingwall's Jewels in the pineapple.
WOW. (84" square)
Now we have more to show for March, including some UFO via text message. Pop back tomorrow.
very happy to have Friendship Jelly home again ....just in time for all the cold weather :)