Monday, 30 December 2013

Rachel's recycled rags to riches

After many requests, I have finally found the time to blog my recycled fashion piece from term 4 of Year 10 Home Ecconomics.
The unit asked us to create a garment from at least 70% recycled materials with a $25 budget. On our shopping trip I found a dark blue top, light blue doiley,a mens blue tie and a pair of 3/4 denim pants at St Vincent De Paul and bought some lace and two iron on patches from Ace Strapers. Then I upcycled them into this: (and just in case you were wondering - yes they are finished, completly)

For the shirt I sewed the doiley to the shirt with a button in the centre. I also stitched buttons to the side of the neck and cut strips of fabric at the bottom. For the pants, i bought some iron on patches and lace which i hand stitched on the back pockets. I also used the tie as a belt and cut the pants to transform them into denim shorts.

POSTS COMING SOON: Bullion roses with Cecily

Feel free to edit this Liz, as it may not be up to my usual homework standards! ;)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you posted Rachel. It is great to see the outfit finished, it looks wonderful in real life. Well done.


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