Hi there fellow ufo'ers,
Sorry to miss Tuesday night. Car trouble-the car did not like the steel post!! Good to see that you all have been very productive!! Love the solider quilt's they are all very inspiring!! Well done!! I will have some show and share on Tuesday night. I have finished my quote quilt. I now have to start the next one for the other lounge chair.
Colleen- Did you manage to get your blog tutorial??? Can't wait for your first post!! What else have you been up too????
Hope that you all have a great weekend....P.S Don't forget to vote in between the Robin Ginn workshop.
That's it for now
Happy Crafting
Friday, 23 March 2012
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Look what was on the table
Last night saw Cecily and Olivia being busy, busy, busy and Debra binding, binding, binding.
Cecily's 2011 flood quilt is now pinned ready for quilting.
Olivia's "Serendipity" quilt layout was chosen Olivia said that this is a 2 for 1 quilt.
(She only had one of the two there last night.)
Debra was binding an Aussie Hero Quilt but we didn't get a photograph.
Now as for Colleen (our absentee UFO Crafter) after catching up with us at the markets last weekend, she went home and whipped up this quilt top on Sunday. Colleen decided this will be an Aussie Hero Quilt too. It is great and I think the soldier will be happy to sleep "Under the Southern Cross"

Thanks for stopping by.
Monday, 19 March 2012
A visitor, PHDs, WIPs and UFOs and maybe even a finish
Some Show and Tell from Last Tuesday.
This is Cecily's 2012 flood quilt made using the fabrics affected in this year's flood. This is a WIP (work in progress) as all the blocks are just placed on the table. It is really stunning.
A care quilt finished by Debra to add to the Roma Patchwork Club stash to give away this winter.
Jan's Birthday card. it is hard to tell in the photo, but it is 3D
And a visitor.
Colleen came back for the markets on Saturday (and she brought her fabric with her).
I thought the tent was too dark for photos, so I had the girls ham it up for me outside the tent. Thanks for being good sports Colleen & Cecily.
We are quite excited, 3 of us are doing a workshop with Robyn Ginn of Toowoomba this weekend. Check back next week for progress shots.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
The UFO Quilt
This quilt is being posted by special request.
In November last year, we farewelled one of our 'founding' members.
Colleen (or Mad Maude as her customers call her) left Roma for greener pastures. Now being crafters we couldn't let this go unnoticed. So we made her a quilt of 'crafty sayings'.
Colleen giving us her best 'surprised' face. (I didn't catch the actual surprise because I was too busy enjoying the moment)
And the quilt itself.
it is hard to tell but our phrases are - L-R, top to bottom.
"Finished is better than perfect" by Marilyn
"I'm not messy, I'm creative" by Emily
"May your bobbin always be full" by Gayle
"UFO or PHD? that is the question" - our eternal debate
"My Quilt, MY Rules" by Colleen - yes we did make her sew a block for her own quilt - she just didn't know it was for her.
"Craft fills my Days, not to mention my living room, bedroom and closets" by Becc
"A Fat Quarter is not a body part" by Cecily
"Three little words...... Quilt and Bind" by Debra
"I have UFOs I haven't even thought of yet" by Rachel (our youngest member)
and the little pink rectangle in the bottom right corner is our signature block
We hope you enjoy this little look into our past, but very much part of who we are.
Friday, 2 March 2012
WELCOME UFO and PHD enthusiasts. This little blog is to progress some of the creations the ladies of Roma UFO Crafters have made or are making progress on or just starting a new project because we can.
To kick us off here is a UFO by Cecily. This was made using the fabrics that were flood affected in 2011 (She is about to start the 2012 flood quilt)
Then on Tuesday night Debra finished a quilt she started last year with the children from school. The children stitched their 'hand' onto the background fabric and Debra pieced and quilted the wall hanging. It will be hung in the school office sometime in the next week.
Look at that cute little hand in the 2nd row, yellow square. This hand belongs to a Prep student. Just adorable.
And lastly and probably most excitingly.
KATRINA - a new patchworker who has never appliqued before - made this baby quilt from beginning to end in less than 2 weeks. We are all so proud of you Katrina. I am sure the Mum will love it at the baby shower this weekend.

and a great label for bubs too.

so ladies well done.
I hope we can mange to post regular updates of our creations so our friends who have moved on can share our lovely work.
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